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Agreement and Consent for Treatment

Beforedent clear braces provide orthodontic treatment through a series of clear, BPA-free plastic aligners that exert controlled pressure to adjust the alignment of teeth. Treatment involves wearing the aligners for 20 – 22 hours daily, with gradual adjustments leading to teeth alignment. The typical clear braces duration varies, lasting 2 – 6 months depending on individual needs. It is normal to experience initial unfamiliarity and later adjustment when wearing orthodontic appliances.

How Clear Aligners Work:

Clear aligners work by applying pressure to move teeth into their desired positions. However, it’s important to understand that clear aligners have limitations and may not be suitable for all dental problems. The orthodontic treatment’s progress will be monitored online, and patients are encouraged to send pictures to facilitate follow-up. Strict adherence to provided instructions is vital to ensure efficiency and align results with the orthodontic plan.

Informed Consent:

By agreeing to this document, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and received comprehensive information about orthodontic treatment with Beforedent clear appliances. You are aware of the benefits, risks, and potential discomforts associated with the treatment. You have had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss any concerns with our team. Additionally, you have been informed about alternative treatment options, along with their respective benefits and risks. Based on this understanding, you willingly consent to proceed with orthodontic treatment using Beforedent braces without any conditions.

Limitations and Guarantees:

It is important to recognize that Beforedent and its dental team cannot guarantee that treatment results will exactly align with the treatment plan due to individual variations. However, Beforedent is committed to providing the best possible results in accordance with its policies.

3D Orthodontic Plan:

You accept the 3D orthodontic plan designed by Beforedent after reviewing tooth movement details on our website, including before and after pictures.

Patient Responsibility:

You commit to following the manual and Beforedent’s instructions. Non-compliance or neglect of these instructions may result in treatment outcomes not aligning with the orthodontic plan, for which Beforedent and affiliated clinics bear no responsibility.

Release of Information:

You authorize your dentist to disclose your treatment-related information, including x-ray images, treatment history, and other relevant records to Beforedent for the purpose of your care, in compliance with applicable data protection laws.

Refund Policy:

You understand and agree to Beforedent’s refund policy, which allows for refunds within the first 2 months of treatment if there are no substantial changes to your teeth compared to the treatment plan.

Payment Terms:

For installment payments directly to Beforedent under the Comfy Plan orthodontic set, you agree to make payments of 3,000 baht every 3 weeks, excluding VAT. Failure to make payments on time may result in service cancellation and additional expenses for a new dental scan and equipment.

Consent Completeness:

Your consent to this agreement is considered complete, effective, and binding on both parties upon your acknowledgment.

Additional Information:

Benefits of the Device:

  • Beforedent clear aligners are made of clear, BPA-free plastic, meeting ISO standards for safety and effectiveness.
  • These aligners are thin, lightweight, and clear, allowing for easy removal during meals and regular tooth brushing.

Risks of Orthodontic Treatment:

  • Orthodontic treatment may initially cause discomfort or irritation.
  • Some individuals may experience allergic reactions to orthodontic materials.
  • Temporary side effects may include speech changes and increased saliva flow.
  • Tooth decay, gum disease, and inflammation may occur if oral hygiene is not maintained.
  • Root shortening, nerve damage, and temporomandibular joint disorders are possible but rare complications.
  • Wisdom teeth or overgrown teeth may necessitate surgical removal.
  • The level of bite may be affected if braces are not worn correctly.
  • Previous dental treatments such as implants, crowns, and dentures can impact the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment.
  • Oral piercings are discouraged during treatment, as they can damage the aligners.

Results and Treatment Equipment:

  • The duration and results of your treatment depend on various factors, including the complexity of your dental issues and individual characteristics.
  • IPR (interproximal reduction) may be used in some cases to create space between teeth.
  • Additional equipment sets may be required for optimal results.


  • After treatment, wearing a retainer is recommended to maintain your results.
  • Failure to wear a retainer continuously may result in tooth shifting.

Damaged or Lost Appliances:

Damaged or lost orthodontic appliances can be reordered directly from Beforedent for a specified fee.

Marketing Consent:

  • You grant Beforedent permission to use your photographs for educational and marketing purposes, without revealing your personal information.
  • You understand that you will not receive compensation and acknowledge compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2019.
  • If you do not wish to consent to the use of your photographs, you can submit a written opt-out request to Beforedent.

Last edited: 20 October 2023

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